An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Wichita Chorus Sweet Adelines without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Wichita Chorus Sweet Adelines are listed below...
The Wichita Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is actively involved in fundraising for chorus activities, including traveling to regional and international competitions. Past and future fundraisers include Harmony Scrapbooking, Red Wheel, and Singing Valentines. The Wichita Chorus is a member of Sweet Adelines International, a non-profit educational organization. As a 501(c)(3) organization, a portion of any gift made to the chorus may be tax deductible.
To Make an Online Donation: We can accept donations via Stripe or PayPal. To donate via Stripe, you can use the donate box on the right side of this page (or below on your phone or tablet). Simply enter the amount you wish to donate to the chorus in the cell provided, then click on the donate button and you will be directed to our secure payment gateway.
If you would like to donate via PayPal, please select this button.
Dillons/Kroger Community Rewards:
Our chorus is actively involved in Dillons Community Rewards. If you have a Dillons/Kroger rewards card, simply login to yourDillons account and under Account Summary: Community Rewards search for “Wichita Sweet Adeline Chorus” or “10522”.
Contact Us: For more information on how to support us, please contact us at (316) 366-1845, email us at or send your donation to the following address: